My Biography
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My Biography

I was born in village Poscenje, under the rocky mountain of Durmitor in the most beautiful village on the Earth (and the nearby area!).

The colour of its orchard in bloom, flourished meadow, clear river and dark blue lakes has been carved deeply into my eyesight for all my life.

Before I went to school I started making the figures out of paper, shaping them with scissors.Then I started drawing and painting.

In painting area I was, mostly, my own teacher.

I learned a lot watching the paintings of old masters. As in life, so in painting, I am the most attracted by the beauty. That's why I prefer impressionists.

The portrait is attracting me because of its expresiveness. It is my biggest challenge because it is the hardest thing to paint.
I feel an immeasurable pleasure when I get right someone's expression in a portrait.

I graduated electronics in Belgrade University. After the studies I worked a while as faculty assistant and now I work in enterprise for the distribution of energy "Elektroprivreda of Montenegro".

I continued to paint after long break in order to replenish my soul. I also enjoy reading belles letteres.

I am glad that you visited my site and I amd even more glad if you like my paintings.


Dragan Perisic

  Moja Biografija

Rođen sam u Pošćenju, podno vrletnog Durmitora, najljepšem selu na kugli zemaljskoj (i bližoj okolini!). Boja njegovih probeharalih voćnjaka, cvijetnih livada, bistrih rijeka i modrih jezera urezala mi se duboko u oko za sav život.

Kao predškolsko dijete rezao sam makazama figure na čistom papiru, bez crtanja.

U slikarstvu sam bio uglavnom svoj učitelj, jer bi nastavnici slikanja odmah priznali da nemaju čemu da me uče. Dosta sam naučio i gledajući slike starih majstora.

U životu, kao i u slikarstvu najviše me privlači ljepota. Stoga posebno volim impresioniste.

Portret me opčinjava zbog izražajnosti lika. On mi je najveći izazov, jer je najteži za rad. Osjetim neobično zadovoljstvo kada sa portreta "progovori" ličnost.

Diplomirao sam elektroniku na Univerzitetu u Beogradu. Posle rada na fakultetu od nekoliko godina, zaposlio sam se u Elektroprivredi Crne Gore, gdje sam i sada.

Slikarstvom sam nastavio da se bavim nakon ogromne pauze, da bih ispunio dušu. Takođe, uživam i u književnosti.

Raduje me to ste posjetili moj sajt i još draže mi je ako ste uživali u njemu.


Dragan Perišić

2007 Dragan Perisic. All rights reserved.